Schools across the UK

Schools across the UK have been raising awareness about social media ever since the Molly Russel situation. Schools feel the need to have a responsibility to make students aware of the dangers of social media and how to avoid them. They are having classes in the morning in form time where there form tutor goes through with them the things they need to be aware of on social media such as harmful content. They advise students if they have encountered harmful content to come off it straight away or report it on instagram. They also bring up online bullying if anything like that happens for students to report it and tell the school, tell the teacher about what you are experiencing online and the school can sort it out, they can take an investigation further and can involve the police. These lessons also bring up the Molly Russell story to the students to let them know that this situation occurred because of social media specifically Instagram and that Molly was a young girl and was a student herself, and that she was only 14 years old. They show them the news coverage of Molly Russell and what happened to her to give students a better understanding. Schools will also have assemblies where they bring up this topic and have a person from the Molly Rose foundation and a psychologist to speak to students.