What is being done
What is being done to prevent social media having an affect on teens today is that Social media now has a time limit when young people are using it. If it sees that their using it for a specific long period of time it will cut off the app and just goes to their home screen and it saying that their time using social media is up. There are things out there such as some websites that can help young teens minimise their time on Social Media saying things such as ' Don't take your phone to bed', ' Try out rules that work for your family', ' Turn your phone to vibrate', ' Turn your notifications off', 'Don't be too available', ' Set rules that work for your family', ' Use your laptop instead of your mobile', ' Have screen and mobile free times', ' Turn of the Wi-Fi', ' Keep your phone out of sight', ' Be respectful', ' Have a clear out of your apps', ' Record how long you've been using your phone using the Moment App', ' New tech can support parental controls', ' Be present'. These are advice given from mediasmart.uk to help teenagers have control when they are using Social Media, its a guide to help them limit their time on it if their feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxiety from it. It explains in full detail what to do and how to cope in a situation like this when it comes to social media.