What can people take away from this
I personally believe what people will take away from this story is that you have to be considerate of how people are feeling, be nice to others because you don't know what their going through in this life. You don't know what people's mental state is, how fragile it can be or strong this is why we should always be nice to others. It also made me realise that social media is not all positive, it does definitely have many negatives to it such as young people being exposed to online bullying, people comparing themselves to others online (especially for young females), feeling left out and alone, feeling fomo (fear of missing out). You could even develop social anxiety, depression, and be exposed to content that is not age appropriate. Social media can become addicting and can make a person lose themselves in the process. It can also put unnecessary pressure on people to post a certain things or content because they might feel like they are being valued and relevant in doing so. It also makes people want to show off their assets and their life's, people only show the happy parts of their life which gives a wrong impression to others and make others think that their life's should also be the same because what they saw on social media from other people. It can also waste people's time or crave validation from others. It can upset people or escalate tensions. Compromise peoples privacy or make their data available to others. Social media can also be dangerous as people can be exposed to harmful content as Molly Rose was exposed to harmful content herself which led her to take her own life. We can learn that if you do indeed have a weak state of mind then to avoid social media that has negative harmful content or to use social media less time.