The Hidden dangers of social media

Social Media has been around for more than 10 years now. It all started with MSN, My Space and the most famous one of all, Facebook. Social media is a platform that people use for their personal use such pictures, videos and to see content and also a platform that people use for their creativity. It is also something people use to communicate with each other and to share ideas and send content to one another. It is also a place where people more often young people get their news from, they get news from Social Media instantly as many young people have turned away from the traditional source of news which is the television. Recent news and research shows that social media could play a part of having negative mental health effect on the youths of today. Researches have said that they have found a strong link between heavy social media use resulting in increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self harm and even suicidal thoughts. Social media may promote negative experiences such as Inadequacy about your life or appearance. Teenagers often find themselves comparing themselves to other people because of what they see on Social Media seeing certain people having a certain lifestyle and they want to copy or else they might feel like they are not as good as them they feel pressure to look and act a certain way on Social Media and they want to be accepted by others. Young people also feel pressure to stay on social media as they feel FOMO which is Fear of missing out.